Wednesday, September 07, 2011

starting over

You cannot let anyone else decide who you are. You have to decide for yourself. So step outside and take a breath. Get your perspective back and realize what you want your journey to be. When you look back on life, make sure you see Great and not regrets.
Tell yourself this:
'I'm not giving up, I'm starting over' And go from there. Thats not weakness for it takes all the strength you possess to do just that.
Remember to forgive. Because its always the first step to anything. and forgiving is not a weakness either. its takes courage to forgive. no need to forget, it ws a lesson learned, so use it but don't ever let something keep rein on you. so forgive and move on and remember that what your forgiving is someone else mistakes and weaknesses.
Keep you load light. You will never make it if you carry too much on your back. You will eventually collapse. Take things one at a time. When you do something make it right, not rushed and sloppy because it reflects you. So keep it simple and do it correctly. We don't have much power over things so when you get hthe chance to do some things, correct them, again i encourage you to do one at a time and do it right.
Never let anyone judge you and don't judge anyone else. we are all the same. what separates us is our minds and free will. So everyone has different decision making. when you judge your only judging yourself so be careful because most know that and when you speak ill of people your speaking only of yourself. Where else would those thought realm from.
Always keep cool even when angry because you always need perspective. Never wear blinders because your missing the beauty of the world. you eventually will be trapped by darkness.
Be a leader, but lead to greatness and nothing less. And never let people who stand beside you down.

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