Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Jealousy is a disease, Hatred a side effect.

If you have a problem with someone, you shouldn't go running your mouth, you should face the fact that the root of the problem is your own self . The fact you dislike what you see when you look in the mirror, is the reflection of your life..
Anyone can use words to inflict pain. Think before you speak, use the correct actions, know facts before presuming and judging, never say something to someone else you couldn't handle or wouldn't like to hear yourself.
Jealousy is a disease, Hatred a side effect.
At some point Everyone takes a deep look at their life and realizes its time to make mends and change what you don't like seeing. Its not weakness, its strength and courage to do so. xx
Always remember you get one life. One chance. And when your done, when you get to your destination you will have to look back. Are you going to like what you see or are you going to have regrets and anger.
You make your own life. Destiny gives you that chance. Fate puts the right people in your path, those who don't fit are for you to figure out. Faith is what pulls you through the darkness and Beliefs are what gets you through to the light. Never blame anyone for your own faults and errors. Use your disappointments as learning tools and keep your success as a cherished gift. Always have Love or hate will take over.
Live as though you will have a next life judged upon the Karma of this one.. _______/)______./¯"""/') ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\)¯¯¯¯¯'\_„„„„\)

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