Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I am..

I am a contradiction a perfect imperfection On looking in from outside I think I’d pass inspection
My nails are neat, each hair in place My clothes the latest styles But look a little closer, And you can see my trials
The window to my balanced soul Is stained from too much smoke A birds eye view down at my heart Will clearly show it’s broke
My best intentions lead to pain And complicated messes My head is filled with wishes, My decisions second guesses
There was a time I tried to hide each wrinkle, scar and tear But I’m learning to appreciate That I’m more than I appear
Each wrinkle tells a story The path from there to here I’ve earned a little wisdom With every falling tear
My soul will soar in brilliant skies But then I’ll need to rest The embers of my passion Still smolder in my chest
Perhaps I’ll let my hair go wild And skip the manicure I’ll wear my favorite color They’ll say "Hey, look at her"
My hair, my heart, my clothes, my soul Will walk in one direction No longer contradicting My perfect imperfection
Now look at your same self And you see the same So how will you do Take it as you will Or dare to dream
Either way Perfect is only a Shame ♥A

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