Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eye of the Beholder

Beauty is such a controversial thing. Beauty on the inside versus beauty on the outside. Can one person possess both? And how do we even know what real beauty is? Its amazing how the human eye differs just as each individual does. What one person perceives as beautiful, another may not. People do have the power to posses both inner and outer beauty, but too many have too much dark in them to let that light shine out. And so you may see a pretty face but than you get to see the personality. I really don't care if someone is fake or not,because the reality of it is, you can only keep up the facade for so long before you slip up. I've watched people do it too often. It leads me to believe, its a waste of time. That time should be spent re-analyzing who you are so that you don't have to act a certain way for people to like you, accept you. inner beauty is when you love yourself and have love for others. When you are not number one, but have priorities and are realistic. you take the time to care and have compassion. Thats true beauty in my opinion. Anyone can be beautiful physically. i believe everyone to be, but most disagree with me. but our own worst critic is ourselves. You have to believe in yourself and have faith that who you are is beautiful. We can use enhancements, have procedures, or work hard every day on the appearance, but once you open your mouth people know who you are. and all that work, was for nothing. and so whats more important.. to look beautiful or to Be beautiful. if there is one thing i hate, its a word, and that word is Ugly. i don't like it at all. i think the word is an excuse to make someone feel better about their own shortcomings. i think people use it for spite and out of hate. i also believe that there is No such thing as ugly. And who the hell has the real answer as to what is beautiful versus what is ugly? because you've heard it before you think you have the right to use it? you don't. just like you don't have the right to judge. and that's what your doing. It comes down to a very simple knowledge we all possess. To be beautiful is be someone who makes a difference. Who has nothing to hide and has no hate in them. Beauty is not a size, a shape or form, its not a color or preference. beauty is who a person is. Just because you don't see something that appeases your eye does not mean it won't appeal to someone elses. so if you have an urge to say something negative.. remember this: You are the one about to make yourself 'ugly' for thinking the way you do and wanting to say what you have no right to. Everyone has the right to be their own kind of beautiful, the first one to please is yourself. Care nothing of what others think, they don't face that mirror day after day, you do. Insecurity does destroy you. It becomes a toxin. So flush it. one of my favorite quotes: "Sometimes people are beautiful, not in looks, not in what they say, just in what they are.' -Markus Zusak' Ever wonder what people assume about your personality from the way you look? Beauty without intelligence is a Masterpiece painted on a napkin.. Love Always. and Forever Love. A.~