Monday, July 18, 2011


Perfection is non existent unless you think imperfection is perfection. The eye of the beholder will see what someone else wont because each view is perceived separately.
If your inner beauty doesn't exude through, Than no matter how imperfectly perfect u are, u will never be seen as anything but just imperfect. The heart is the key to pure appeal. Let it shine ♥ Let it glow ♥ let it make you imperfectly Perfect...:
We look to often for perfection. We want it in everything we do, but how can that be possible when it doesn't exist. So in turn we set up for a failure due to our lack of ignorance. When you look in the mirror are you looking at what you want to see, or what you do see. Are you looking into the eyes of the person and the soul that we seem to neglect as well. Are you seeing yourself for who you are or are you seeing what airbrush and cosmetics can do. The major question to ask is are you happy with what you see.
If you are not, than its not the outer image that's the problem now is it. your not happy with who you are. Thats the first thing we forget and the first we tend to dwell on not realizing. The only true person to make you happy is yourself. You should be seeing your heart in your eyes, the soul through the image and be content to know you do all you can and are all you can be. Cliche' maybe.. but it hits the truth.
'Never judge a book by its cover' But how often do we see something/someone and do just that. My point I'm trying to push is that no matter how much you airbrush yourself to be something/someone, unless you are who you are (real and true), doing you and not another's way, and are happy with how you are, where you are, you won't see what you want to.
the perfection you seek is like control.. No one has it nor will they ever. its an illusion we give ourselves to feel like we have power, but in the end you never had it.
Set yourself up for greatness and always be true to yourself. Find contentment with you first than look for it in everything you do. Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand - relax. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, God shows you the way. ♥
♥ A.~ ♥


The Heart is a funny thing.. They say that the heart has the power to rule the mind. in which i tend to agree to an extent.
We do get led blindly when our heart's involved but i also believe that's a decision we make. Its almost a contradiction when it come to mind and heart. They never agree. We feel something strongly such as love and in our minds we look for negatives. And sometimes vice verse. We want to love that we don't think and we just react with the heart.
When your heart and your mind are in sync than its a good sign that things are good, but when they are not, instinct is kicking in. Something is wrong. it might be something small, something uncharacteristic even for yourself, but if its kicking up in you than no matter how small, its something you need to analyze.
We tend to stray on wrong paths but no matter what, we do learn our lessons and become stronger for it. So in a way that wrong path might have been a right path for you for that reason.
Life is a funny turn of events, obstacles and lessons to be learned. Sometimes it feels like you are being tested. Maybe you are. The objective is to follow whats right, whether its your heart or your mind telling you, listen. That small thing that is kicking at you, may lead to something bigger down the road.
Your instinct is your biggest savior and the best tool you have in life. use it wisely and try not to ignore it. Your heart will get you where you need to be in the end. Your mind will always turn wheels, but your gut feeling is going to be the decision of who and what you are and where you will end up being. And being safe, happy and comfortable is where you need to be, even if that means pain during the process.
Just remember our hearts heal, our minds grow, and we strengthen everyday. What is not meant will not be, no matter how hard you want it to be. What will be, will be.
A.~ ♥

Analyzing Fear

Fear, is a common human emotion. And being human ,it is as complex and difficult to analyze as love and hate, greed, passion. Emotions have both causes and effects. It is both learned and instinctive and very often contains no true emotional root. Behavior is much more simple, if not more basic, than emotion.
And thats how we make our own patterns and choices, and why we react differently to each one. Their is no right or wrong, it is its own category.
For some, isolation is a survival technique because of the complexities of emotions, or the not being able to distinguish what behaviors are which. Non-involvement, disassociation.
For example, you have someone lying on a sidewalk, the reactions will vary. People will look away, step around, some might hesitate before hurrying past. But one person will eventually stop, try to help.
This one person will break the isolation and others will begin to stop too. Once the isolation is breached, it becomes easier, even necessary for others to join. Its the first step thats the most difficult.
This technique was used and studied and termed 'urban survival.' Avoiding eye contact on the street, of blocking the homeless out of your line of sight.
So what makes that one person different that they stopped to help? Their survival instincts aren't as well honed as their compassion, or their impulse button is more easily pushed. Their not afraid to become 'involved.'
How often do we walk away, turn our heads or try to avoid certain circumstances, situations. How often do you wonder if you could have done something, but end up telling yourself 'theirs nothing i could have done.' Do you Believe that, or is that another instinct to keep us intact because we ignored compassion and went to grief. feeling sorry for ones self. We make someone else's misfortune our own, and that makes it selfish.
We judge what we don't know and walk past what we don't want to see, but that one person who stops, who doesn't judge, that is impulsive and compassionate will not. They are the ones who make the difference, even if its to make others join in. So when you hear, 'can one person make a difference', answer it wisely, and than ask yourself this...
"Can I Make a Difference." and change your perspective. Most is ingrained and learned behaviors, but thats where emotions come in. Use them, and use them correctly for good. Never Fear, because you lose parts of yourself when you do. Be scared when your instincts tell you, but never Fear for falsification, such as what others will think...
♥ ~A.~ ♥


"Every lie is a poison; there are no harmless lies. Only the truth is safe. Only the truth gives me consolation - it is the one unbreakable diamond."
— Leo Tolstoy
I was going through some old things of mine from when i was a child. One was a book on Tolstoy so i'm using it, because it had such an impact on me at 12 years old. i believe no matter what age, if you open yourself to it, Anything can have an impact on you..
how many times can you count on your hands that you have lied. I bet your hands aren't enough to count on. I have always been told, to lie is to punish yourself. and its true.
You lie and it comes out. and its never in a good way, when it comes out, its deeper, and the meaning is now worse. The longer the lie goes, the more it progresses, the worse the outcome. you can say it follows the form of Karma. The point being, wouldn't it be easier and nicer to just have truth. It really is safe for all parties involved and it does give consolation. Because it says "i'm real', and that you have compassion.
"To get rid of an enemy one must love him. "
— Leo Tolstoy
In many cases we come across enemies, known or not, who go around with lies. But the lies are not about you. They are aimed at you with the intention to hurt you, but the truth is, you need knowledge. So think this through.. Where does a lie stem from..
It has to have truth in it somewhere. It has to have that safety zone somewhere in it.. and it does, just not for you. The lie being told of you is just that.. a lie. But for the person who is telling the lie, it is the truth of themselves. It stems from within you. You don't come up with something from nothing. Its not a behavioral pattern, not a learned behavior nor does it have to do with emotions. Its a truth of someone, who takes it and aims it at someone else out of emotion, such as hate.. Remember that. and remember to be careful to which you believe.
"They've got no idea what happiness is, they don't know that without this love there is no happiness or unhappiness for us--there is no life."
— Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina)
Love is such a powerful emotion that Hate does stem from it. Unfortunately when something is that powerful, there is always something that comes from it thats not always healthy. such as obsession. One will 'hate' another but in reality its a form of obsession, jealousy, greed. So they will tell lies about this person when in fact their exposing their own truths. they will try to destroy this person, but what is not understood is that happiness cannot be touched. You cannot destroy what is. If your truly happy, if you have love (and that doesn't always mean a relationship, you have love for yourself, you have love for others, friends, family and so on) and you have life, than Nothing will touch you. It may disturb you that someone feels so strongly about you, but never let it get farther than that. Or you will fall to their level and live in unhappiness, have no life.
"I sit on a man's back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible....except by getting off his back."
— Leo Tolstoy
As much as we want to make someone pay for their wrong doings, their actions, we don't have the right. As a human its a natural reaction to want to, but as a person, its the actions you take that tells you who you are. You go for revenge and your no better than the person your after. you go down their route with words, your no better in mind and spirit. Your falling into their own path of unhappiness.
Theres nothing wrong with knowing whats going on, but let the judgment and the punishment be done by a higher authority. Never let yourself get down to their level, because than you would have to have revenge on yourself... Let the lies be what they are, and let them expose themselves and watch the mystery resolve in front of you - without having had to do anything but be the better person.
Its easier to fight back, but it takes true courage and strength to walk away. xo
"The best stories don't come from "good vs. bad" but "good vs. good."
— Leo Tolstoy ♥ Let no one and nothing define you but you yourself and what you really are. What you do will let others know truth. You have nothing more to prove other than to yourself, that you have the strength and courage to walk away and understand your the better person. Down the line a great story will evolve from it and people will learn from it. Be The Inspiration, not just an example. ♥

Real Drama..

If i asked you what drama means, what you be able to give me an answer that co-oberates with others? Or should i tell you that every answer that i would get would be different..
Drama started as 'dramatics' used in theater. So how did it come about that its used so often about anything and everything just because someone is angry..?
People hear drama and immediately think "someone is starting $hit." And that there is going to be some sort of argument coming along. But is that really what it means? I hear at least 3x a day someone is being dramatic and its always three different things. one being, someone telling a story thats sad and is being called dramatic for sharing that story. Two is the disagreement between two people which leads to someone in that argument Having to be the cause, and is causing' drama, three being negativity being thrown in every different direction. insults, or whatever you coincide with negativity.. that person doing the tossing is being dramatic.
So really are any of these terminologies right? i don't think so.
Drama is acting. Theatrics. You ever watch a soap opera? the "drama" in it. Its the intense factor that pulls people into the show,, that's drama. the dramatics are what catch your attention and make you addicted for the 'whats next'. Its someone being able to manipulate a situation and make it into what they want it to be in a severe way. Its not easy to have drama, but when there is so much of it people catch on and its now what they know..
But people use the word drama and the meaning to often and wrong. Its now used as an insult. I have sat and defended countless people to hear: "your causing Drama.".. Really, well if i'm causing drama, i would like my own studio set, trailer to get ready and a nice commission off it. Because if not, i'm not really doing drama. I'm not acting, i'm not telling no sad stories or you'd be crying, and i damn well am not fighting for the hell of it.
When i defend someone, i care for that person, and i defend what and who love. i defend honor, integrity and what i stand for. i don't spit words than turn around and see someone say the opposite and say nothing. that would make me a hypocrite and i don't like to be something i'm not.
Everyone has a perfect right to their opinions but thats where the problem lye's in. They think their fact. I don't care if you have a PH.D- you have no fact. everything is based on opinion and theory and therefore people have rights to believe in which they want. But to sit there and think otherwise, and have the "God complex' is pushing limits. You have no right to judge. to think you know all. to think you know best and you damn well have no right to put anyone down at any time for any reason.
Thats ignorance not drama.
Thats insecurity not drama
Thats being scared, not drama.
Thats not being able to make a point- so you say ' your causing drama'
I've noticed in debates (arguments) people always end up saying to the other 'your just causing drama' But in reality the truth is the point was made by someone and the person saying that is not only threatened but proved ignorant and has nothing else to say. so there goes the drama word being dropped.
i'm tired of hearing that word. Drama. People don't know the meaning, its just a means to your own end so you say it. But its just negativity, its just insecurity coming out and you panicking. So next time you see it, hear it, you know why. and now you know the true meaning.
I write opinions, theories or what i see, do, and believe. I don't say i am all fact and nothing but right. in fact i always invite people to say differently and share their own opinions or theories if they don't like mine. I've had it done in negative ways and so i deleted it, but otherwise i welcome it. Criticism is the best way to learn and grow. its also makes you stronger for being able to handle it.
Try to keep the D' word out of your vocab, and see what a difference it makes. People will act more positive and treat you more respectively. And do stand up for what you think or believe is right. Don't be afraid to not to because of that word, or for fear of what people think. Your not doing something if your not hearing nothing..
Live, Learn, Love A.~

A true Survivor

Survivor; how many get this title and who do you think qualifies as a true survivor..
I can say i have known many survivors and still do. A true survivor is someone who chooses to live through the worst of times and come out on top at the end of it. It does not matter what those times may be, for difficult is different for everyone. Some have gone through the physical aspect of it. Disease, Cancer, Brain damage, Paralysis, and so on. These people are the very reason many gather together for events to find cures. They inspire strength and courage and all of them whether they make it or not; are survivors.
The other physical aspect is abuse, but it also falls into the mental. Abuse takes a toll on people. Whether if its from young at age or adult, abuse is abuse. People have no right to lay hands on anyone but themselves unless given the permission.
Domestic Violence tops the charts along with child abuse. Neither is acceptable but these kids will endure it because no one can stop it even though we shall try (unless your one to turn you head and look the other way). Its the same with adults. Violence in any form is violence and those who come out of it are indeed survivors for it.
The mental aspect of it is so deep that no one can understand unless they have been through it, how traumatizing it can be. But it doesn't end at physical.
Mental abuse, the putting down of someone(s), belittling, bullying, etc.. is just as bad as the physical, sometimes worse. And these people to endure it.. they too are survivors.
What we don't understand is that all of us has been through something and have come out of it which makes us a survivor, but its not that easy. The ones that are not survivors are those who choose to go down the wrong path.
Haters for example are an object of some type of abuse. They envy and they feed off others misery so they don't have to feel their own, Or they play their sympathy coin so that others fall into their trap of abuse and will be used.
These are not survivors, they never made it. A piece of them died a long time ago. and will continue to die as the go down the path they choose. But its their choice and no matter how much you try to help them, it comes down to them. If one chooses not to accept or want (need) help they will never change. You leave it at that, or you get sucked into their game.
We all have the potential to survive, but its a choice, an option that only you can make. We all will endure tough ventures to the point of 'make it or break it' and the choice of coming out on top, stronger and better for it is what makes you a SURVIVOR. Be proud of that but never take advantage of it.
When you think your alone during your venture, know that someone else is going through the exact same thing at the same time. no one is ever alone, should never feel alone. And remember that God does not do this to us, Man does. But embrace God because He sees, He hears. He is there and will help. He will guide you but you must be open and willing to embrace him. Let Love always be and Hate die.
♥ always. A.~

A start, or a Finish..

When faced with a challenge we tend to try to cut corners. For instance.. When we see something getting hard, we look for an easy way out. It’s a natural human reaction. But the reaction is what makes us weak. What we don't realize is sometimes in order to accomplish something, anything, we must use a muscle that we hardly ever work; our brain.
In order to do so you must combine it with your heart and ask the right questions. Such as: Is it worth it? Will I benefit in a positive way from it? Will I be helping someone.. and so on. What we need not to ask, is anything selfish.
To benefit for selfish reasons leads you right back to weakness and cutting those corners. Nothing is meant to be easy and when it is, it’s not worth it. Remember that in order to know true happiness you must know true pain. In order to know truth you must know lies. In order to succeed you must fail and want to attempt again. If you want easy than your life can very well be sad and boring; and it doesn't give you the right to complain.. xx

Shall I..

In our dreams we use our sub-conscious as our guide leading us down a path that follows the heart. we use it without limits or boundaries. In our conscious state, every step we take is calculated, and made with countless thoughts and questions. how often have you asked: 'what ..,where..,but.., how.., why..,should i, could i,would i,...'
We use our limitations as excuses and wonder where true happiness is. I can probably say with good reason that without confirmation, we are lost pretty much most of the time. i want you to follow me on this.. take a second and lets step back and see another way.. worst that can happen is you continue on the way your were, best is we can have another perception, maybe a new way of living
We have the 5 W's (who what where when why) We have the 5 senses (touch smell sight hear taste) remember that..
Some say spontaneity is a useless effort that leads us no where and teaches us nothing. Would you agree though.. if i told you that it comes from the sub conscious reaching out and making you able to 'ease up, let go, or just try something' without the limits or boundaries we tie on it.. With spontaneity there is no permission we usually seek for, there is no guide, there are no questions, there just is and its what you make of it. the outcome is not to be determined but to be used if wanted and learned from. We do not use the 5 W's, we use the 5 Senses and by doing so, we get the full sensation out of it. we learn the answers without asking the questions that just waste time and make you procrastinate.
Hear me when i say this, smell the sweetness of the words, feel it in your heart, taste it with your knowledge, see it in your mind; 'I shall walk through this life with 5 things only as my limits and boundaries. these 5 things will be the only things i ever question or ask of, and these 5 things will be the only thing to hold me back from following my heart.. I shall Speak no Evil. I shall Hear no Evil. I shall See no Evil. I shall not touch Evil. I shall Smell only Heaven and Earth. And with this i will always find my way, never judge, smell only the sweet air, see only the good, hear only the best, do only the wonderful, say only great and feel Always happy and Positive. i shall live as though heaven and earth are one.
But for you, the choice is yours and only yours to make. God laid the foundation for you to walk on, you must do the walking. What i do is i write. i write from my heart and soul but lately i have been tripping on my own foundation because of analyzing, fears and questions. As a person it is normal as we have our guards and walls, but for me its been making me realize that today is today. tomorrow will be tomorrow and questioning the path God has allowed me should not be. I will walk my path and do as i write because to write something, and feel it so strongly is what makes a person who they are. i am who i am. I've never been happier in my life. Now find yours ♥ A.~

Tests of Time

There will be times when all manners of things will be tested of us. these we often refer to as problems, situations, ruts, obstacles, missions, hard times and so on.
Whats being tested is not always clear though. The harder the situation the harder the clarity. And that's okay. Its not meant to be known, its the whole idea of being tested.
Our Faith will constantly be a test for time to come. Its one of the biggest things that people fail on because when times get rough we stop believing and think its God's fault. Well, what about the good times, isn't that God's fault. So are we to blame him for everything bad and see no reason for the goodness and riches that come into our lives. Its about appreciation, another test that is ultimately failed or taken advantage of.
The test of luck and hope. We often give up to easily and blame others for our faults because its easier, but what does that say about you? What is learned when you blame someone else for something that was not meant to be for you. And if you give up than how will you ever know what is to be for you and your full potential. There is no failure, just trials. There will always be success, you just have to find it in your own way.
We rule out options that are right in front of us because we look but we don't see. How often do you realize the beauty around you versus the evil that lurks at every corner. We train ourselves to be like that, but its not right. There is beauty in everything and everyone, some lack the ability to let it shine because of hatred and other quarries, but look around and SEE the beauty that surrounds us. Does God not give us a sunset and a sunrise? Do the flowers not bloom with colors of magnificence? Do the good deeds done always have to go unnoticed? These are questions people rarely think about because of 'situations' that blind them to it.
Love for example will Always be tested. It would not be true if it wasn't. It will be tried and tested throughout the life of it and will be worth it if you keep your faith, beliefs, your appreciation and hope.
When your aware that times get tough you will be ready to take them on. and when your with someone on you take them on together. And if your alone you will only get stronger.
These tests are not to weaken us or blind us, they are only to open our eyes to what we fail to see, have failed to see and strengthen us in every possible way. It is to bring awareness and purity. To make you understand how powerful Faith can be and will be during your lifetime. And have you realize that its always easy to give up, call quits, walk away or so on. but its the power of wisdom that will keep you from staying down from the fall and not getting back up.
Always believe and never let anyone make you think other than what you want to, need to believe because that happens all to often and we lose sight of what is.
♥ Ally


Life comes in many stages. As we grow we learn to challenge them and use emotions to understand them. They become building blocks for our foundation.
Sometimes we forget that when were down, there will always be ups and more possibilities. When a door closes we often shut our eyes to the ones that open. But in order to really grow, really learn, we need to find our weaknesses and learn our strengths.
Use them for good because it's a waste to use them against another for evil. Always have faith, always believe. Were given only what we can handle, so when you think you can't, know that you were meant to and push through it. And when you get through that stage, come out with knowledge and more strength for the next.
Keep yourself open to any and all possibilities but make them positive. Walk away from the negative. They come at you when you least expect it and will take you down. Its a waste of the energy you could use for good.
A.~ ♥♥♥

'Perfectly Imperfect'

Remember a secret that most forget.. those who speak ill to others speak of themselves when targeting someone else.
people don't think of the main objective- where do thoughts come from, and the inner truth is they come from the mind of the individual. think about this too.. when your mad and you throw insults understand that half of them you throw out have nothing to do with the other person, they are really about you - but at the time you wouldn't ever recognize or admit to it. Its a human weakness that we give ourselves over to which leads to hate.
No one is perfect, perfection doesn't exist. If you want to be perfect than call yourself 'Perfectly Imperfect."
No one will ever know the real you, no one can actually step into Your life and walk a day in your shoes, so words from another's mouth should NEVER affect you. No one without insecurities and issues will bother you in a negative way unless they want to rub off their problems on you, it takes one person to ruin your day and that one persons day will be better for knowing they did that. Never let them see that, Never let them be able to do it.
Ignorance can be considered a disease, it does affect the mind. Be Diligent, enduring and never be defeated by what is already defeated.
Never let a negative moment spoil a positive opportunity.. xo


Facts:The Heart is the strongest muscle. The amount of brain cells exceed the amount of stars in the galaxy. The body is made up of 72% water.
And even though these are facts it feels as though the heart is the weakest especially when emotion is involved, we feel as though our potential is never enough even though we have the capability and when we feel like were drowning sometimes due to life and its sharp curves.
But knowing the facts your able to change the outcome.. You hold power in your hands. Believe that God gives you the words to speak from your conscious and it comes from the beauty and grace of within. But when the beauty and grace dies and the belief is no longer there, the words no longer hold power and you lose the ability of knowing any type of love and true life. It will always get hard, There will always be times of discouragement, there will always be tests of strengths, But with the tools that God gave us, we have the unconscious ability to conquer everything and anything. Keep the goodness in you and never become hard. Don't let beliefs die and knowledge go wasted. Never close off the heart due to fears. How else will love flow in and all negativity flow out. Don't wall up yourself in defense, your only walled of water and that only lasts so long.. When that waterfall comes, will it be worth the feeling of drowning..
There are so many essentials to life we overlook Take a minute to focus yourself and find your purpose. And always keep your pride, but don't let your pride define you.
A.~ ♥♥♥


It's easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them, their present and their past, but you'd be amazed at the pain and what a single tear hides. What a person shows to the world is only a grain of sand to the universe hidden from sight. Each tear drop is more costly than anything in the world, but no one knows its value, Until they have it in their own eyes. In the book of life every page has two sides: we human beings fill the upper side with our plans, hopes and wishes - but Providence writes on the other side, and what it ordains is seldom our goal.. Life is a matter of circumstance, understanding and learning. Its filled with diversion and challenged that we often don't always meet. Fear is main reason people never live their full potential, Love with their whole heart or care for others without qualm. Fate hands you a series of different people in your lifetime. your job is to not judge, to remember the book of life, and remain realistic. Then you weed out who is meant to stay, who is meant to learn from, who is worth loving, who is needed to stay away from and who will hurt you but give you knowledge and wisdom for your next series of obstacles to come.
♥♥♥ A.~