Monday, July 18, 2011

Tests of Time

There will be times when all manners of things will be tested of us. these we often refer to as problems, situations, ruts, obstacles, missions, hard times and so on.
Whats being tested is not always clear though. The harder the situation the harder the clarity. And that's okay. Its not meant to be known, its the whole idea of being tested.
Our Faith will constantly be a test for time to come. Its one of the biggest things that people fail on because when times get rough we stop believing and think its God's fault. Well, what about the good times, isn't that God's fault. So are we to blame him for everything bad and see no reason for the goodness and riches that come into our lives. Its about appreciation, another test that is ultimately failed or taken advantage of.
The test of luck and hope. We often give up to easily and blame others for our faults because its easier, but what does that say about you? What is learned when you blame someone else for something that was not meant to be for you. And if you give up than how will you ever know what is to be for you and your full potential. There is no failure, just trials. There will always be success, you just have to find it in your own way.
We rule out options that are right in front of us because we look but we don't see. How often do you realize the beauty around you versus the evil that lurks at every corner. We train ourselves to be like that, but its not right. There is beauty in everything and everyone, some lack the ability to let it shine because of hatred and other quarries, but look around and SEE the beauty that surrounds us. Does God not give us a sunset and a sunrise? Do the flowers not bloom with colors of magnificence? Do the good deeds done always have to go unnoticed? These are questions people rarely think about because of 'situations' that blind them to it.
Love for example will Always be tested. It would not be true if it wasn't. It will be tried and tested throughout the life of it and will be worth it if you keep your faith, beliefs, your appreciation and hope.
When your aware that times get tough you will be ready to take them on. and when your with someone on you take them on together. And if your alone you will only get stronger.
These tests are not to weaken us or blind us, they are only to open our eyes to what we fail to see, have failed to see and strengthen us in every possible way. It is to bring awareness and purity. To make you understand how powerful Faith can be and will be during your lifetime. And have you realize that its always easy to give up, call quits, walk away or so on. but its the power of wisdom that will keep you from staying down from the fall and not getting back up.
Always believe and never let anyone make you think other than what you want to, need to believe because that happens all to often and we lose sight of what is.
♥ Ally

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