Monday, July 18, 2011


The Heart is a funny thing.. They say that the heart has the power to rule the mind. in which i tend to agree to an extent.
We do get led blindly when our heart's involved but i also believe that's a decision we make. Its almost a contradiction when it come to mind and heart. They never agree. We feel something strongly such as love and in our minds we look for negatives. And sometimes vice verse. We want to love that we don't think and we just react with the heart.
When your heart and your mind are in sync than its a good sign that things are good, but when they are not, instinct is kicking in. Something is wrong. it might be something small, something uncharacteristic even for yourself, but if its kicking up in you than no matter how small, its something you need to analyze.
We tend to stray on wrong paths but no matter what, we do learn our lessons and become stronger for it. So in a way that wrong path might have been a right path for you for that reason.
Life is a funny turn of events, obstacles and lessons to be learned. Sometimes it feels like you are being tested. Maybe you are. The objective is to follow whats right, whether its your heart or your mind telling you, listen. That small thing that is kicking at you, may lead to something bigger down the road.
Your instinct is your biggest savior and the best tool you have in life. use it wisely and try not to ignore it. Your heart will get you where you need to be in the end. Your mind will always turn wheels, but your gut feeling is going to be the decision of who and what you are and where you will end up being. And being safe, happy and comfortable is where you need to be, even if that means pain during the process.
Just remember our hearts heal, our minds grow, and we strengthen everyday. What is not meant will not be, no matter how hard you want it to be. What will be, will be.
A.~ ♥

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