Monday, July 18, 2011

'Perfectly Imperfect'

Remember a secret that most forget.. those who speak ill to others speak of themselves when targeting someone else.
people don't think of the main objective- where do thoughts come from, and the inner truth is they come from the mind of the individual. think about this too.. when your mad and you throw insults understand that half of them you throw out have nothing to do with the other person, they are really about you - but at the time you wouldn't ever recognize or admit to it. Its a human weakness that we give ourselves over to which leads to hate.
No one is perfect, perfection doesn't exist. If you want to be perfect than call yourself 'Perfectly Imperfect."
No one will ever know the real you, no one can actually step into Your life and walk a day in your shoes, so words from another's mouth should NEVER affect you. No one without insecurities and issues will bother you in a negative way unless they want to rub off their problems on you, it takes one person to ruin your day and that one persons day will be better for knowing they did that. Never let them see that, Never let them be able to do it.
Ignorance can be considered a disease, it does affect the mind. Be Diligent, enduring and never be defeated by what is already defeated.
Never let a negative moment spoil a positive opportunity.. xo

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