Monday, July 18, 2011

A true Survivor

Survivor; how many get this title and who do you think qualifies as a true survivor..
I can say i have known many survivors and still do. A true survivor is someone who chooses to live through the worst of times and come out on top at the end of it. It does not matter what those times may be, for difficult is different for everyone. Some have gone through the physical aspect of it. Disease, Cancer, Brain damage, Paralysis, and so on. These people are the very reason many gather together for events to find cures. They inspire strength and courage and all of them whether they make it or not; are survivors.
The other physical aspect is abuse, but it also falls into the mental. Abuse takes a toll on people. Whether if its from young at age or adult, abuse is abuse. People have no right to lay hands on anyone but themselves unless given the permission.
Domestic Violence tops the charts along with child abuse. Neither is acceptable but these kids will endure it because no one can stop it even though we shall try (unless your one to turn you head and look the other way). Its the same with adults. Violence in any form is violence and those who come out of it are indeed survivors for it.
The mental aspect of it is so deep that no one can understand unless they have been through it, how traumatizing it can be. But it doesn't end at physical.
Mental abuse, the putting down of someone(s), belittling, bullying, etc.. is just as bad as the physical, sometimes worse. And these people to endure it.. they too are survivors.
What we don't understand is that all of us has been through something and have come out of it which makes us a survivor, but its not that easy. The ones that are not survivors are those who choose to go down the wrong path.
Haters for example are an object of some type of abuse. They envy and they feed off others misery so they don't have to feel their own, Or they play their sympathy coin so that others fall into their trap of abuse and will be used.
These are not survivors, they never made it. A piece of them died a long time ago. and will continue to die as the go down the path they choose. But its their choice and no matter how much you try to help them, it comes down to them. If one chooses not to accept or want (need) help they will never change. You leave it at that, or you get sucked into their game.
We all have the potential to survive, but its a choice, an option that only you can make. We all will endure tough ventures to the point of 'make it or break it' and the choice of coming out on top, stronger and better for it is what makes you a SURVIVOR. Be proud of that but never take advantage of it.
When you think your alone during your venture, know that someone else is going through the exact same thing at the same time. no one is ever alone, should never feel alone. And remember that God does not do this to us, Man does. But embrace God because He sees, He hears. He is there and will help. He will guide you but you must be open and willing to embrace him. Let Love always be and Hate die.
♥ always. A.~

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