Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Complete Madness

Lately i have been studying Freud on my free time, which isn't much but enough. Something i have wanted to do for quite some time after learning about him years ago in Psychology. He was a brilliant man. Absolutely mad and undoubtedly insane, but i believe that is what made him the legend that he is as a Doctor.
His thoughts were of great length and absolutely off the spectrum of what is to be believed as normal. His clients were categorized by labels only he understood, but so many have admired. such as the "Rat Man." It was not a single man he used the term for but for a group of patients he had with the same diagnosis he thought them to have. in which he labeled that group. The name has no relevance to anything, i think he termed his subjects as he saw them. Which don't get me wrong, was not a nice thing, but Freud was not a nice man. He was known for Psychology and Psychosis not for his human behavior.
His life wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy either. rarely do we find anyone to have an easy life though. He lived up to expectation, but always went his own way which was way off the paths that were laid out for him.
But all that you can Google and find out yourself, so your probably wonder where the hell I'm going with all this.
I have found that the most genius of doctors, inventors and so on were either completely understated, or completely mad. "Crazy" as they term it now. We have Einstein who was a genius, but was autistic on the full term of the spectrum. And how many others have been mentally challenged, autistic, Bipolar, Schizophrenic, completely crazy or sick one way or another. so now here is where i get to my point.
a long time ago i would have gotten mad if i heard the word crazy let alone being called it. now i find that the ones who use the term to offend or try to harm another don't realize that they are mad.. and not in the emotional way.. but completely mad as in mentally ill. they don't realize that to be "crazy" is to be genius. eccentric if you will. Some even say that to be beautiful you must be mad. Lets go back a few decades, or eras.
beauty was not genius it was madness. every icon was completely mad to begin with or they became mad during the process of becoming what they were not to begin with. two great examples: Marilyn Monroe and Betty Paige. Betty was said to be mad but as time went on got more so. Marilyn was a poor orphan, deemed completely normal until married and abused, than taken under the wing of a photographer who saw dollar signs in her potential. In the process she went from "normal" to mad because of what she was put through. she knew who she was and knew she was being made into someone completely different. But as Freud would say, or better, as he would categorize her, she would fall under the "rat man's" theory. (Obsessional Neurosis.)(1909)
Today we have a number of people who go around with these labels and think that its OK to use them. But the idealistic thing is we all know, what people say to others that is negative is as sure as the sun rises in the morning, what the person doing the labeling is. So if someone was to call someone else crazy, it would be a compliment, or to be taken as one, and to understand that the true crazy person is the one doing the labeling.
unfortunately a lot don't understand this, but i intend to do as much as i can to bring this point across. A.~ <3