Thursday, June 23, 2011

The building of something special..

We take advantage of situations as we do many things in life. But we are creatures of temptation and hurt. Those two are the hardest to overcome in life. But we tend to forget that life doesn't stop for anyone or for any reason. It does not stop rotating and nothing stands still. So even when we feel as though we are at a moment where everything has frozen, remember the mind can be powerful in playing that trick with you, but for a reason.That i won't get into this time.
When we are hurt we not only put up walls but we put up dead ends. We just don't realize it until something/someone else walks into our life and starts to bump in to those ends. And that's where understanding comes to light. All that time you thought you were protecting yourself from hurt, all your were doing is blocking yourself off from possibilities. some that can be so sweet and beautiful. but than you have a choice- you Always have a choice.
The question is are you willing to take the chance. To be vulnerable is one of the hardest things for a human to do. i won't bore you with numbers but human behavior show that people would rather walk around with a shell of steel than let themselves open to something that no one can predict as an outcome. But is it worth it..
To me i think that if you really want to live, live fully, than you would be open to everything and anything. how else are you to grow and learn. and even if there are hurts along the way, it makes you stronger, wiser and ready for the next battle. But to block someone from a potential Love that can open your life to something new is like throwing a piece of yourself away. Love is the most powerful of emotions and has the most powerful effects. Sometimes its not about trusting the other person, its about trusting yourself. but here is somewhat of a guide to show you a growing potential of a real relationship.
A real relationship has building components - but inside those components there are secrets that we forget and tend to neglect. Which is why even a healthy relationship can fail. Passion can get you so far but than life is still everyday and takes a toll.. and with that every relationship:
Has fights. Has trust. Has faith. Has tears. Has hurt. Has sweet smiles. Has genuine laughter. Has snorts because of the laughter. Has weird, stupid, unnecessary arguments. Has patience. Has communication. Has secrets. Has jealousy. And most importantly it has ♥ Love ♥
1:Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. 2:One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching. 3:There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved. 4:Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. 5:And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.