Monday, November 01, 2010

For Every Action, There is Reaction

I can't tell you how many times I've wrote on this and about it, but it really doesn't matter because the objective is to get a point across. I will do all i can for that to happen.
When I grew up nothing was easy, nothing. i worked for everything i got and i worked hard. School was the worst for me though. i hated going because i never quite fit in with anyone, never wanted to and that was a problem. i didn't like anyone and i didn't like 'clique's' so i stayed to myself or had a few friends and just did me. But that's not OK to other people. That is a moving target for other kids and so i became one. but it never seemed to bother me much. never really understood why, maybe i didn't care, or maybe i just had more important things to focus on. Most of the kids i knew were spoiled brats and i figured they just were not worth my time. i never had anything to be jealous of and i had no reason to hate. To me words are just words and mean nothing unless you let them mean something. And still to this day WORDS ARE JUST WORDS.
People don't always think like that though. every day millions are bullied in so many different ways it hurts my heart to think about it. I try to position myself in their shoes, but i just can't because no body's opinion ever mattered to me except my own. I grew up strong and a lot of these kids don't have to, which is not a good thing. IF you don't learn to be strong than you won't know how to get through the obstacles of life. I can say this much, at least the bullying that happened in my day- as a kid- was done in person. there was no other outlet. we didn't use the Internet like they do now; Facebook, Myspace and all the other crap and we sure as hell didn't do texting when cell phones finally were allowed to us. So everything we took was up front and maybe it made it different. Less intimidating because you knew who the bully(s) were, how much better you were, and it made you toughen up. you were able to fight back face to face. I never did walk away from a fight, i was always a fighter. But today you have cowards. that's exactly what they are. Why would you take the "WORDS" from someone through text and Internet and let them hurt you?
But if that's what you know and that's all you know, than i can see the difference. i know that a real person, one with balls and guts, if they have something to say they would do so to your face and you work your shit out. you don't run away. Now though its not like that. people hide behind a screen and torture others for the amusement of it, and its so sad and disturbing. It is an illness, proven as well. To me though it just says your not worth your own spit and makes you a gutless ass with no spine. I had my own battle with this whole Internet and texting crap and all it did was get the people bothering me arrested. I'm not one to back down nor do i tolerate morons, so i let the proper people do it while i go on about my business.
I'm doing all i can to be an outlet for these kids and teens going through this because the first thought to them is that they are alone. My main goal with anything and everything is to tell people they aren't alone. These suicides are a heart breaker because no one should ever get to you like that. ever.
I wish i could enforce the fact that WALKING AWAY and ignoring what shouldn't be acknowledged, is the best defense and you ALWAYS win. It takes a REAL and STRONG person to be able to keep on walking, but it takes a real loser to try and prevent someone from going about their own way. Meaning a bully is nothing more than a distraction if you let him/her be. We do have that choice. It is very hard though. Things are always easier said than done, but its time to step up to a different plate and use a different approach to end this.
I've always said and believed to this day, Jealousy is a disease; Hatred a side effect. And always remember that in order for you to get noticed, you must be doing something right.. That's who they target. Haters always go for the better people so in another sense some should take it as a compliment when words are just flung. unfortunately it goes to so many levels beyond words that it affects lives. Speak up and don't let it go that far. don't be a side liner and watch it, say something, don't be a coward, help someone. You can only be a victim if you let yourself be a victim. But a bully will always be a bully, just a person who has to much time on their hands and tries to hurt others. They shouldn't be given the time of day. One day they won't... Keep Hope, Have Faith and Always Believe. ~A.