Tuesday, July 05, 2011

We wonder how much are hearts can take, but unbelieved it can take a lot more than we can mentally.
For the men.. If you have been hurt you need to understand that the next person that enters your life is not your ex. You need to heal before you enter into a relationship of any sort. You need Not to lead someone on into thinking what could be when it never will be.
Rebound does not exist its a bullshit excuse for weakness but what does exist is when you are hurt, that hurt can and will pour over onto the next person who enters your life. and who is that fair too?
You need to realize that not all women are the same. As much as i hate to say this, i know how many are the way they are and do what they do, but than you have good ladies with big hearts who are constantly being hurt --due to being the next person. Stress, do not let it lead your life. You leave you work at work and home at home and this is a big issue with many. Too many mix and mingle with these and it creates tension and takes away the passion if it is there. It will eventually break you and the relationship you have. Stress is with everyone and everyday, its not just you its everyone. Never take it out on someone else.
Never belittle, control or make your partner feel like there not good enough, smart enough or that what they say isn't good enough. Do not ask a question, get an answer and make it out to be something its not (stupid, ridiculous, and so on) Your getting your answer. Do not make someone feel like they cannot be themselves, because what you want is a robot not a woman, and certainly not the one your with. And learn to Listen, no not hear, you hear i know that, But listen and don't just get three words out of it, make sure you get the whole thing. Because later it will come back to where its now miscommunication.
If you feel like your closed off and can't open up with the person you are with, Tell them. do not keep this to your self. Its not fair to neither party. And A REAL women will take it in stride and that's where I'm headed next..
This ALL applies to you as well. You have no right to criticize men especially when they are at their lowest. It makes you a low person. Everything i said for the men is still the same for us. There are good guys out there, but a lot are broken just as we have been at some point. The idea is to be understanding. And if you see signs of belittling, or things being taken out on you.. There is your red flag. Walk Away. you want to stay and deal with it -you will walk away broken just as he did because its reenactment. Human behavior.
They say its the good ones who never get the girl/guy. that's a bunch of bullshit. We do but we get hurt because with all the bad out there, its so hard sometimes too to understand, comprehend that there are Exceptions to the morons. Perfection does not exist, never will, but in the eyes of one, you will be that perfect person. until than do not go out breaking hearts and using because all your doing is hurting every other guy and every other lady out there who will be the next one up.
As much as we want love, we have so much yet we see so little. Trust but remember that in the end the one you trust most is yourself. (instinct)