Monday, May 02, 2011

The Power of Emotion..

Love is such a powerful thing. They say some people go there whole lives without ever knowing it, feeling it or having it, but i feel this is a false notion.
I believe that people look over it. When someone falls in love, deep love, its so fast and so strong its like being hit with something and not knowing what. How easy it would be to walk away from that out of fear, or thinking it was something other than a positive thing.
i also believe that you love once. The real love, true love, as they call it. We love throughout all our life, starting from family, friends, relationships and so on.
we feel strong feelings for someone and we automatically give it a label. we tell the person we love them, whether its true or not, and its usually not. But its not by malice. Its the dream we have that we are really in love, and that it happened to me thought.
But than your true love comes along and in less than an instant, a moment if you will, you fall so hard so fast you have no idea what hit you. but if you let it sink in, without thinking it to death and analyzing it for what it "could" be its a beautiful thing. And that's when you think back to all the times you thought you loved and not only realize that you never did, but that what you have now is real. Its an amazing experience if you accept it, believe in it and stay with it. What you had before doesn't mean it was fake. its just a lesser power of emotion. We lust, we obsess, we love the 'idea' of being in love, sometimes we want to love so hard that we even convince ourselves that it was/is love. Its not a wrong doing, its a normal human behavior. But Love, its very simple. it happens, whether your expecting it, whether you want it, whether your ready or not, it just happens. The question that should be asked is 'What am i going to do with it'
The other fear is whether the person you fall for feels the same way. That's over 78% of why people walk away never knowing. They were afraid to ask. to acknowledge what they were seeing. Its a scary thing to feel such a way for someone and to not understand what you were feeling,but its worst not knowing in which way to approach it. We often get to thinking, well if they don't feel that way and i say something than they might freak out and leave. But isn't that where the risk is? and why would you want to stay with someone if you weren't able to express how you felt? why would you want to be with someone if you were afraid that your feelings would make them go away? So the fear should for the other person not for you. But its easier to say than to do. Life is never easy, and i think Love is even harder.
The actions of your partner should tell you alot. the way they look at you, the way the speak to you and of you. How far they are willing to go for you. We miss these signs because were too busy thinking of all the negative outcomes. But maybe, just maybe we can change that.
Think back to the first person you told you loved. How they looked at you and treated you. how they said it back, or maybe they told you first. Now think of how strong that was, that feeling and that relationship. And now wonder if that was what i 'thought' was love, than can you even imagine The real deal.. Than we have those who are in love and wonder what else is out there. if you have to ask that, wonder or question, than its not real. you may love them, which is a special thing, but your not in love with them. i know of so many who settle for just that thinking its the best that's going to happen.but I'm here to tell you its not. It most certainly is not. Its when you stop looking, stop thinking, stop wanting and figure well, i guess it just isn't going to happen to .. that's when it happens. Its cliche' in so many ways but isn't that what love is. The meaning of it. Everything about it is cliche' and special.
So you remember your first love and the way they were, well you have the basic idea of what to look for in realizing whether the person your with feels the same. And your behavior is almost mirrored. Don't think their not scared. their thinking the same thing, wondering the same thoughts and fearing the same outcomes. So in some circumstances, some partners tend to pull back a little. When you get hit with such a strong emotion that has never hit you before and you finally get it, its not an easy thing as i said. but its an indication that the love is there. I've heard many actually walk away from their partners because of this behavior thinking that person was going to leave them. So they left first. Only one out of all the people I've known was that true. The rest was that their partner did fall for them but got scared and backed off thinking maybe things were moving to fast. I know right now you thinking of how many people that has happened with. I know i did. Its not a bad thing. It just wasn't meant. God doesn't make mistakes and He has a way of rectifying ours when we make them. But He Makes sure that we are with our soul mate. You need to believe and hand you will to him. But it will happen.
This is not a religious thing. My beliefs can be far off from someone Else's but I'll share with you mine just to give you an idea as to how i think, what i believe. It helps with outlook especially when your reading something and wondering where i get all this stuff from. Well I've been there for one, done that for two but mostly its my belief that my reason in this world, my purpose is to write and help others find theirs, and to find there way when they are lost. And I've had such a wonderful success rate that i will not stop doing so. Some people will turn their head and that's okay, because I'm not to please everyone, but the ones who don't turn their head and read what i have to say enjoy and have told me i have helped. Their is no greater feeling or accomplishment than that. And that's why i do what i do.
So when and if you come to the point of finding love, embrace and don't fear it. Its worth ever effort every emotion and every fear that we tend to have. And it is completely normal to be afraid of it. If you have found your true love than you know exactly what I'm talking about, and if you have not have faith, dream and you will one day have your love. Just don't go looking for it. That's where the wrong turns and wrong people come in to our life, and that time wasted could have been memories made.
Much Love Always, Alicia Marie Genna 'If you love someone because you think that he or she is gorgeous- than its not love- its infatuation. If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave them, because others think that you shouldn't - than its not love - its compromise. If you love someone because you think you cannot live without his or her touch - than its not love - its inferiority complex. If you love someone because you have been kissed by them - that not love- its charity. If you love someone because you share everything with them- than its not love- its friendship. BUT ; If you feel the pain of the other person more than they, even when they are stable - and you cry for him or her- that's love. If you get attracted to other people, but stay with him or her without regrets -that's love. If you let him or her go knowing that he or she has to go, even though they don't want to,- that's LOVE.'