Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Wish..

If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it?
There will always be barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. The idea is for us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and than let them go. That's how we get out biggest rewards.
What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it-recognize it, acknowledge it. When your ready you will defeat it.
Will it ever be easy? In certain instances it might come easy to some, but for the most part no. It isn't meant to be easy. Life was not meant to be easy. Test of faith and belief, and when it comes down to it its a test of self.
We are not born with strength and wisdom. They are learned, and they are earned. Nothing comes for free, its just not the way its intended to be. But it makes certain thing that much more special when received. Love, Success, Happiness, these are gifts to be earned, they are not handed to you. God puts options in front of us, but the end result is on you. you make the decision and no one else does.
When we wish for something, we expect it to be just like that. wish granted. But that's not what happens. Like a prayer, Were handed options in order to receive that want or need, and what we do is what determines if we deserve that wish. Is it possible, yes all things all. But like said, its not handed.
And usually what happens when we receive what is wished for, we either take advantage of it, or we don't recognize it as a gift and we want more. Greed takes a large space in many lives and it can and will lead to hate. When one does not get handed everything they want, they turn cold and mean. And that's why were not just granted whatever we want. imagine a world like that. Is it not bad enough as it is? It would be worse.
Those barriers are what teach us and give us the lessons and courage we need to proceed in this life. When were not ready, sometimes were ramming into walls. It does not mean it won't happen, it means your not ready for whatever it is your trying to achieve. There are always steps. And there will be always learning. But if your open to possibilities and open to what is, and what will be, you will make your path and find what your looking for. You will realize that wishes need not to be made because your able to get what you want and need without them.
Never give up, give in. Never follow, always lead. When you follow you will miss what is presented in front of you and will never know what could have been. Never turn hard and mean because you will miss out on the most important part of life, such as love and true happiness. Just because things aren't easy doesn't mean in the end they won't be worth it. Patience. Continue to learn and continue to follow the path you feel is best for you. You will get where you need to be.
<3 A.~