Monday, July 18, 2011

Analyzing Fear

Fear, is a common human emotion. And being human ,it is as complex and difficult to analyze as love and hate, greed, passion. Emotions have both causes and effects. It is both learned and instinctive and very often contains no true emotional root. Behavior is much more simple, if not more basic, than emotion.
And thats how we make our own patterns and choices, and why we react differently to each one. Their is no right or wrong, it is its own category.
For some, isolation is a survival technique because of the complexities of emotions, or the not being able to distinguish what behaviors are which. Non-involvement, disassociation.
For example, you have someone lying on a sidewalk, the reactions will vary. People will look away, step around, some might hesitate before hurrying past. But one person will eventually stop, try to help.
This one person will break the isolation and others will begin to stop too. Once the isolation is breached, it becomes easier, even necessary for others to join. Its the first step thats the most difficult.
This technique was used and studied and termed 'urban survival.' Avoiding eye contact on the street, of blocking the homeless out of your line of sight.
So what makes that one person different that they stopped to help? Their survival instincts aren't as well honed as their compassion, or their impulse button is more easily pushed. Their not afraid to become 'involved.'
How often do we walk away, turn our heads or try to avoid certain circumstances, situations. How often do you wonder if you could have done something, but end up telling yourself 'theirs nothing i could have done.' Do you Believe that, or is that another instinct to keep us intact because we ignored compassion and went to grief. feeling sorry for ones self. We make someone else's misfortune our own, and that makes it selfish.
We judge what we don't know and walk past what we don't want to see, but that one person who stops, who doesn't judge, that is impulsive and compassionate will not. They are the ones who make the difference, even if its to make others join in. So when you hear, 'can one person make a difference', answer it wisely, and than ask yourself this...
"Can I Make a Difference." and change your perspective. Most is ingrained and learned behaviors, but thats where emotions come in. Use them, and use them correctly for good. Never Fear, because you lose parts of yourself when you do. Be scared when your instincts tell you, but never Fear for falsification, such as what others will think...
♥ ~A.~ ♥

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