Monday, July 18, 2011


Life comes in many stages. As we grow we learn to challenge them and use emotions to understand them. They become building blocks for our foundation.
Sometimes we forget that when were down, there will always be ups and more possibilities. When a door closes we often shut our eyes to the ones that open. But in order to really grow, really learn, we need to find our weaknesses and learn our strengths.
Use them for good because it's a waste to use them against another for evil. Always have faith, always believe. Were given only what we can handle, so when you think you can't, know that you were meant to and push through it. And when you get through that stage, come out with knowledge and more strength for the next.
Keep yourself open to any and all possibilities but make them positive. Walk away from the negative. They come at you when you least expect it and will take you down. Its a waste of the energy you could use for good.
A.~ ♥♥♥

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