Monday, July 18, 2011


"Every lie is a poison; there are no harmless lies. Only the truth is safe. Only the truth gives me consolation - it is the one unbreakable diamond."
— Leo Tolstoy
I was going through some old things of mine from when i was a child. One was a book on Tolstoy so i'm using it, because it had such an impact on me at 12 years old. i believe no matter what age, if you open yourself to it, Anything can have an impact on you..
how many times can you count on your hands that you have lied. I bet your hands aren't enough to count on. I have always been told, to lie is to punish yourself. and its true.
You lie and it comes out. and its never in a good way, when it comes out, its deeper, and the meaning is now worse. The longer the lie goes, the more it progresses, the worse the outcome. you can say it follows the form of Karma. The point being, wouldn't it be easier and nicer to just have truth. It really is safe for all parties involved and it does give consolation. Because it says "i'm real', and that you have compassion.
"To get rid of an enemy one must love him. "
— Leo Tolstoy
In many cases we come across enemies, known or not, who go around with lies. But the lies are not about you. They are aimed at you with the intention to hurt you, but the truth is, you need knowledge. So think this through.. Where does a lie stem from..
It has to have truth in it somewhere. It has to have that safety zone somewhere in it.. and it does, just not for you. The lie being told of you is just that.. a lie. But for the person who is telling the lie, it is the truth of themselves. It stems from within you. You don't come up with something from nothing. Its not a behavioral pattern, not a learned behavior nor does it have to do with emotions. Its a truth of someone, who takes it and aims it at someone else out of emotion, such as hate.. Remember that. and remember to be careful to which you believe.
"They've got no idea what happiness is, they don't know that without this love there is no happiness or unhappiness for us--there is no life."
— Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina)
Love is such a powerful emotion that Hate does stem from it. Unfortunately when something is that powerful, there is always something that comes from it thats not always healthy. such as obsession. One will 'hate' another but in reality its a form of obsession, jealousy, greed. So they will tell lies about this person when in fact their exposing their own truths. they will try to destroy this person, but what is not understood is that happiness cannot be touched. You cannot destroy what is. If your truly happy, if you have love (and that doesn't always mean a relationship, you have love for yourself, you have love for others, friends, family and so on) and you have life, than Nothing will touch you. It may disturb you that someone feels so strongly about you, but never let it get farther than that. Or you will fall to their level and live in unhappiness, have no life.
"I sit on a man's back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible....except by getting off his back."
— Leo Tolstoy
As much as we want to make someone pay for their wrong doings, their actions, we don't have the right. As a human its a natural reaction to want to, but as a person, its the actions you take that tells you who you are. You go for revenge and your no better than the person your after. you go down their route with words, your no better in mind and spirit. Your falling into their own path of unhappiness.
Theres nothing wrong with knowing whats going on, but let the judgment and the punishment be done by a higher authority. Never let yourself get down to their level, because than you would have to have revenge on yourself... Let the lies be what they are, and let them expose themselves and watch the mystery resolve in front of you - without having had to do anything but be the better person.
Its easier to fight back, but it takes true courage and strength to walk away. xo
"The best stories don't come from "good vs. bad" but "good vs. good."
— Leo Tolstoy ♥ Let no one and nothing define you but you yourself and what you really are. What you do will let others know truth. You have nothing more to prove other than to yourself, that you have the strength and courage to walk away and understand your the better person. Down the line a great story will evolve from it and people will learn from it. Be The Inspiration, not just an example. ♥

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