Monday, July 18, 2011

Real Drama..

If i asked you what drama means, what you be able to give me an answer that co-oberates with others? Or should i tell you that every answer that i would get would be different..
Drama started as 'dramatics' used in theater. So how did it come about that its used so often about anything and everything just because someone is angry..?
People hear drama and immediately think "someone is starting $hit." And that there is going to be some sort of argument coming along. But is that really what it means? I hear at least 3x a day someone is being dramatic and its always three different things. one being, someone telling a story thats sad and is being called dramatic for sharing that story. Two is the disagreement between two people which leads to someone in that argument Having to be the cause, and is causing' drama, three being negativity being thrown in every different direction. insults, or whatever you coincide with negativity.. that person doing the tossing is being dramatic.
So really are any of these terminologies right? i don't think so.
Drama is acting. Theatrics. You ever watch a soap opera? the "drama" in it. Its the intense factor that pulls people into the show,, that's drama. the dramatics are what catch your attention and make you addicted for the 'whats next'. Its someone being able to manipulate a situation and make it into what they want it to be in a severe way. Its not easy to have drama, but when there is so much of it people catch on and its now what they know..
But people use the word drama and the meaning to often and wrong. Its now used as an insult. I have sat and defended countless people to hear: "your causing Drama.".. Really, well if i'm causing drama, i would like my own studio set, trailer to get ready and a nice commission off it. Because if not, i'm not really doing drama. I'm not acting, i'm not telling no sad stories or you'd be crying, and i damn well am not fighting for the hell of it.
When i defend someone, i care for that person, and i defend what and who love. i defend honor, integrity and what i stand for. i don't spit words than turn around and see someone say the opposite and say nothing. that would make me a hypocrite and i don't like to be something i'm not.
Everyone has a perfect right to their opinions but thats where the problem lye's in. They think their fact. I don't care if you have a PH.D- you have no fact. everything is based on opinion and theory and therefore people have rights to believe in which they want. But to sit there and think otherwise, and have the "God complex' is pushing limits. You have no right to judge. to think you know all. to think you know best and you damn well have no right to put anyone down at any time for any reason.
Thats ignorance not drama.
Thats insecurity not drama
Thats being scared, not drama.
Thats not being able to make a point- so you say ' your causing drama'
I've noticed in debates (arguments) people always end up saying to the other 'your just causing drama' But in reality the truth is the point was made by someone and the person saying that is not only threatened but proved ignorant and has nothing else to say. so there goes the drama word being dropped.
i'm tired of hearing that word. Drama. People don't know the meaning, its just a means to your own end so you say it. But its just negativity, its just insecurity coming out and you panicking. So next time you see it, hear it, you know why. and now you know the true meaning.
I write opinions, theories or what i see, do, and believe. I don't say i am all fact and nothing but right. in fact i always invite people to say differently and share their own opinions or theories if they don't like mine. I've had it done in negative ways and so i deleted it, but otherwise i welcome it. Criticism is the best way to learn and grow. its also makes you stronger for being able to handle it.
Try to keep the D' word out of your vocab, and see what a difference it makes. People will act more positive and treat you more respectively. And do stand up for what you think or believe is right. Don't be afraid to not to because of that word, or for fear of what people think. Your not doing something if your not hearing nothing..
Live, Learn, Love A.~

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