Monday, July 18, 2011

A start, or a Finish..

When faced with a challenge we tend to try to cut corners. For instance.. When we see something getting hard, we look for an easy way out. It’s a natural human reaction. But the reaction is what makes us weak. What we don't realize is sometimes in order to accomplish something, anything, we must use a muscle that we hardly ever work; our brain.
In order to do so you must combine it with your heart and ask the right questions. Such as: Is it worth it? Will I benefit in a positive way from it? Will I be helping someone.. and so on. What we need not to ask, is anything selfish.
To benefit for selfish reasons leads you right back to weakness and cutting those corners. Nothing is meant to be easy and when it is, it’s not worth it. Remember that in order to know true happiness you must know true pain. In order to know truth you must know lies. In order to succeed you must fail and want to attempt again. If you want easy than your life can very well be sad and boring; and it doesn't give you the right to complain.. xx

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