Wednesday, September 07, 2011

fence sitters

Do not Let Anyone make you feel inferior. do not let anyone make you feel like something you said, say or do is stupid or ridiculous. Never let anyone have the illusion of control. Don't pretend you do either when you don't. Understand that ignorance surrounds us, but we make the choice to fall into it or to pass it by. No one is better than anyone. period. (for a few special someone's who need to know how special they are.)
God makes no mistakes and he makes only treasures. But we decide our outcome of what and who we become. Stop following, listening to fence sitters and start leading.
Fence sitters: procrastinators; or the people who sit and do nothing while the world passes them by. their ignorant and think they are better. And most of all is they judge because they have nothing better to do than to see their reflection each morning and hate.

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