Wednesday, September 07, 2011

ride vs. destination

Someone once said 'It is better to travel than to arrive.'
Ask yourself if its about the ride, or the destination..
Were given a path but so many opportunities as we travel down it. Just because one doesn't work doesn't mean the others won't either. Its about finding purpose, Your purpose, Your dream, Your Life.
And if there is one thing i can guarantee is that no one but you can find your way through it. No one but you can make the right decisions. Only you can Live to full potential but you can't have fears. Keep optimism, Have courage, Remember Hope and Faith. Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. They don't walk in your shoes. Don't look back unless you want to remember something to help you for the present and remember no one knows whats held in the future.
This is one life, your life. Make sure at the end of it, when you look back, that you like what you see..
much Love
A.~ xoxoxo

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