Wednesday, September 07, 2011


you are commanded to love everyone, not condemn those who don't agree with you.. Your opinions are just that, - opinions, regardless of where you got them from. They are tiny, a speck compared to the immensity of God. You cannot possibly have even the faintest idea of what God commands to other people, to other lifeforms. Your only possible intelligent choice is to continuously open in love and acceptance. Today more than yesterday.
I will never ask or tell you to believe what i believe or do what i do. I will never tell those who disagree with me that they are no good and discard them. i welcome others opinions.
to me there is nothing better than being able to learn what other people see through their own eyes. What they believe. How they feel and what they do. Thats a wonderful thing.
Controversy is not, its just a form of ignorance.

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