Wednesday, September 07, 2011


We strive so hard to have success that we let ourselves down to disappointment. But we led ourselves down that road. Strive for great, Expect worst, You end up in between without disappointment and in some cases you might end up even better. But expectations can be misleading..
We will always be judged, its the way society is, but you have to remember its how you are because of it that matters. If you let being judged bother you, your going to have many problems. But if you brush it off and keep on moving than who really cares what others think. And what gives them the right anyway. They must care on some level to take time out of their day to judge.. so doesn't that make you the better one anyway..And remember when people judge or hate on someone they are really only speaking and thinking of themselves..
The only time your not good enough is when you convince your own self that your not. No one can tell you who and what you are. Only you know and so if you tell yourself something your going to live by that. Everyone is more than good enough but its what we tell ourselves and how we carry ourselves that will be the outcome of how we feel.
To be not accomplished to is to have never been born. In one way whether you know it or not, you have changed lives and helped in some way. You have done good in the earth and have challenged yourself and others. everyone is accomplished in some way. to think your not is ignorant.
Stress is inevitable like society. With the hard times, the way people are and the hatred out there, there are so many things that can be stressful. But no matter what storm is going through your life you have to have faith and believe. pray. you have to understand that the storm does blow over even when you feel like you can't get up anymore. And when you pray you have to believe in what your asking. if you don't than He will not deliver. Why should he, you don't believe it.. You have to believe He will deliver and know it won't happen over night, and wont happen like a pure miracle, but opportunities will start popping up. There is your answers.
Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!

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