Wednesday, September 07, 2011


We fail to see the beauty in such simple things. Mostly because of the simplicity of it, and also because of ignorance. When greed manifests into wanting more and more we become blind sided to the beautiful things we already have and should cherish, and the things that surround us that we should be grateful for. But were selfish creatures of habit.
But for those who have children, is that how you want your child to be? Because we know that everything we do now is everything they learn. They see more than we think, and hear more than we know. they pick up on much more than we imagine. Then there are people who are willing to settle for such little because they are afraid of bigger things. Such as love. When people are set in their ways they become again 'creatures of habit' caring what the people who surround them think. But those people never experience anything true or pure. So worried about what people think of them or what they would say, they lose so much in life. And than wonder why..
Today I would love for you to find one simple thing to cherish. Something you already have, someone you already have, someone you know, something around you, etc. File it away or share it here with us. I will share mine. I had my coffee outside this morning with a baby squirrel sitting about 2 inches away eating his nuts. It was a beautiful morning and the watching of the squirrel, the innocence and beauty, i cherish that few moments.
And for those who already do simple and are afraid to break out of the routine, i dare you too try something without caring what people think. without wondering what your friends or others would say. i invite you to try life on for what it really is.
God Bless and with love

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