Wednesday, September 07, 2011


What we go through has a purpose. What we fail to see is what that purpose is. but maybe were not supposed to know..
When you try something and it doesn't work it doesn't mean failure because failure is not trying at all. It just means it wasn't meant for you. God has bigger plans. When someone enters or exits your life its always for a meaning. They are there to help you learn something. We know that the evil surrounds us and that too is to help us see beauty that we stop seeing because of keeping blinders on.
And if there is one thing that i have learned is just because something is not happening or fitting in your life right now, doesn't mean it won't later. It just means now you are not ready.
Understanding life is not only key to survival but it will get you through the hardest of times. It will help you keep going instead of faltering and giving up. Never rely on anyone but yourself, not only is that a lesson of life but one of the most important. Just as following instinct is another.
Trust is something to be given only when you know you get it back but never trust someone who doesn't deserve it and don't give trust if you can't back it. Essentials to life lye in your hands but we don't want to see it. remember the 5 senses, they are there for a specific reason. And they are very good guides. But remember hearing is not listening, looking is not seeing, smelling is not savoring, tasting is not enjoying, touching is not feeling.
You can keep a guard up, but it only shields yourself to endless possibilities just as if you keep your heart closed, you cannot let love in and hatred out. Always have an open mind and remember that no matter what You in the end make the difference. xx
Much Love always,
A.~ ♥

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