Saturday, March 05, 2011

To Love or to Not Love, We Never had that choice...

To Love or to Not Love, We Never had that choice... by Ally M. Genna on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 12:58pm Love is not only an emotion, it comes in too many forms to be just that. Its also something that is never planned and when it is we face disappointment. Love is fragile and it has no boundaries, whether its for the love of family, friends o...r that special someone, its vulnerable in every way. Love is not something we have any control over, and control being an illusion we give our self just confirms that a fact. Some say they wear there heart on their sleeve but that metaphor could not be more wrong. we walk around day to day no realizing that every situation and ever person needs and wants love. there is no choice in the matter even when given one. I have asked many if they had a choice would they fail to experience it if it meant no pain and not one person said yes. All have said that without feeling the power of love its lacking an ability and its also running from a fear. The one question i asked was simple enough, but the question only had one answer. We do not choose to always love, sometimes love conquers us before we have a choice to recognize it. And along the way just like everything in life it has lessons. Some of those lessons are painful but without pain, and without knowing true pain, how do you know what deep meaning and true happiness is. The fact is without love we become robotic, uncharacteristic and without strength. Most of our life lessons fall from the stems of love and what happened with it. There is Always the choice of moving on. Whether someone takes it or not is not a bad thing. Some believe that there is no choice, that when you lose that one you loved the most and had for so long, you are now still. But in that thinking than you might as well as say that your breathing is now stilled. God had never intended for us to be presented with something that we couldn't handle and has plans for all of us. whether the belief in that is true for you, you have a knowledge that in some form you know what i say is true. We gain strength from out experiences whether they bad or good, we learn and we continue. Some will choose they like how they are alone and will always love the one they have lost. That doesn't mean the won't ever love again. They made a choice. Its weakness when one decides to never love again because of the pain behind it. the fear the vulnerability and all the hardships that come with it. But what do you do when you have fear? you face it head on, and like i said love is not always a choice so when it hits you in the face, you will realize that no matter how hard you tried your attempts have fallen and so have the walls. The point is, stop fighting something you have no right to fight and continue down the journey of life with that vulnerability and a little bit of fear. Its always worth it in the end to be rewarded with what is intended for us.

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