Wednesday, March 02, 2011

My Light, My Rock

Once upon a time i gave up on finding that last piece to fullfill my heart because honestly, how often do we get duds and settle for less than were worth.. But than i realized, like life, nothing is about settling. You dont settle for a job because money, that makes you weak or greedy. you don't settle for friendship because its too easy to be used and stepped on. you don't settle for what food you eat when you go to a fancy restaurant or make a nice meal because you want to enjoy it. you don't settle on a house, a pet, a car, and everything else. so why the hell would you settle for someone when you feel nothing or just don't feel that certain feeling where you know its right. so when i stopped looking thiking that part would just be a void, i got that light, that love and that piece that now fills that piece that was missing in perfect porportion. Never settle. Choose, wait, have patience, believe and have faith. God has plans for you. But he knows when your ready, you don't. It is a beautiful gift when he hand the gift to you so its worth it. God Bless xoxoxo ♥

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