Saturday, March 05, 2011


FEAR: A Man with no soul? Or a Man with More soul and Heart than the average? In the bible it states that ' a man without fear, is a man without soul.' That God intended to put the fear into man. Thats that aspect. Than there is the logic of it: Feeling, Emotions and learned Behaviors. If one is not taught to fear it is said and proven that one will not fear nor will ever know what true fear is. Many people confuse the Feeling of being scared to being apart of fear when in actuallity the two are completely different. being scared is a feeling resulted from instinct. Lets use an example that was brought to my attention. Bullies send out to make people 'fear them but do they? do people actually fear this person making them go through things they shouldn't? or do they get Scared what that bully will do. how they treat them etc. Nobody fears someone unless it is put into them that they should fear them. Again a learned behavior. A baby learns to crawl, stand walk and they fall over and over. but they have no fear they keep doing it. fear is not ingrained in us. it is not something we know unless we are taught it and we learn what it actually is. a baby has no fear of a dog that can kill him/her.. they would go right up to it without hesitation. same with a pool, a park, a stranger. Fear is what we teach them to keep them from harm, but even than it may be taught as to be afraid rather than to have fear of it. When i was younger i had no idea what fear was. Its a passionate topic for me because i was never taught fear. i was scared, but i never once felt fear until i was taught the meaning and to this day i wonder, i don't know for sure, but i wonder if i have any fears. i would like to say i really don't. i have face a great many things including death, being shot, being homeless, bullies, being lost, having noone, being a single mother in a blink of an eye and growing up with a very traumatic experience. Cancer, the knowing, the expectations and the results. but yet i still have looked everything in its face and felt no fear. even my ex husband. no fear in which i faught back the best i could when i was being faught at. So a good question is does fear even exist? some will tell you its an instinct. but if its an instinct we would be born with it, and were not so there goes that theory. being scared comes from instinct: Fight or Flight. Fear is when you freeze up and can't move from toes to head. So now.. can it really be true or said that a man without fear has no soul when in actuallity Were given life without fear and a soul. I would say its a contradiction and fear is used as an excuse or a survival teqnique.

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