Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Death is not an end..

Death is an odd thing. You think about it and you wonder, you question it but we never understand it. I came along way from that and i realized a long time ago that you have to leave it in God's hands. He has plans for every one of us. a time line so to speak. When he feels one is ready or one is in too much pain He takes them. When one has lived a full filled life, He takes. Even those who are so young and fragile without really living, He takes. BUT He always has a reason behind it. We as humans see it as a tragedy. We never look at the light of it, we only see the dark side. But we are not in the shoes of those being taken. Some have said that others have willed God to take them. That they were ready. And He did. Some take their own life because they Think they are ready, But He takes care of those and they serve purpose. And those in circumstances like accidents, think of this: Would you have wanted them to suffer? to feel pain, to be a vegetable, without control and will? We always will say no until its someone we know than we question it. Its natural, instinct but its selfish to continue to think in that manner. You must have trust because without it your really a lost soul. Put your will in His hands and he will lead you. Never fear whats not to be feared and never be led astray by Hate or evil. Its your test of the Devil. A.~

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