Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A decision

You choose how your day is going to go, no one else can do that for you. From the moment you wake up you have to options: To have a good attitude and face the day with positivity; or to have a bad attitude and face the day with negativity. That option will determine your mood, the result of what you are doing, who you are with and everything that happens throughout the day. with positivity you take things in stride, such as you spilled some coffee.. ok well shit happens. someone bumps into you.. oh well accidents happen and friends result from that. you get my drift. than you have the flip side. i dont need to detail it you can fill it in yourself. why would anyone want that added or extra stress, or to be grumpy when a smile, yes a simple smile, makes the world a different view. a different place. And when you smile.. the world smiles back even though you don't realize it. Its like a yawn, you start a chain reaction. choose wisely. XoxOxoXo

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