Saturday, October 09, 2010

Hate; what is it and why is it used...

Why do we hate and what the hell is hate anyway? Where does it stem from and is it a real emotion, or is it a learned behavior? And than we have our bullies who take hate to the next level. I never understood this logic, probably because its not logical, but people, not all, live for making others feel pain because they feel pain. I'm sure the logic for them would have to be, "shouldn't others feel what i have to feel" Or they can spin it into "I had so much anger that it turned into hatred against..." What about taking a stand against it? My parents out there? How far does it have to go until you realize no matter what, hate in any form is WRONG. Not only wrong but it stems from somewhere and when was the last time you looked at yourself to make sure your not bully, your not being bullied, and if your a family, that your children are neither as well. It always starts in the household. Nobody has power. nobody has control. nobody is better than the other. were all wired the same way, even though people will fight over that. Sorry but realization can be a tough thing to understand. Were all the same, walking in different shoes and going about different paths. but we start from birth and go from there. thats how we become who we are. the people who raise us, the people we hang out with, the people who influence us and treat us the way they do. we take it and think its okay, and now thats how you should be. but somewhere down that line we forgot that we have our own brain, emotions and heart, and not everything is how it should be. So if i say jump i expect you not to jump but to either ask questions or just say no. everything else is the same way. To hate is to waste time out of your life that could have gone to doing something better. And what do you get out of it? look at our suicides ratings. is that okay for you? do you feel good about that or do you just cross it off as they must have been crazy or had a mental illness? i believe i have heard the latter on that too many times, yet when it came down to it they weren't sick at all, they were tired, hurt and didn't want to take any more thinking they would break. It doesn't take much to break someone, especially if you don't know what, who they are..weak or strong we range on a psychological warfare on what people go so far to do to someone. so ask yourself which are you and who the hell gave you the right to be God. just know HE turns his head when you call with hatred. To me there is no greater punishment. Remember wounds heal, hatred does not, it destroys and even kills. Try being something different. Try being you without the influences you were introduced to if you fall into a category of a bully. Be something different. Be a savior and help others the way your weren't. Thats also a way to heal. And finally where does the root of Hate actually stem from? Keep in mind that it always stems from a deeper source, such as an emotion(s) or feeling(s). Hate is neither of those and stands in a classification of its own. But one cannot hate if they do not love.. In order to truly hate someone you have to know what hate means, how it feels and where it comes from and thats where this usually sours on people because they use it in the wrong way and don't realize why they hate, just that they do. To make this easy to explain you cannot hate someone unless you have loved them in one way or another but bottom line is to know hate is to know love. Hate stems from love because the true meaning of hate is turning love into a downward spiral of revenge. If you do not love, that someone you think you hate you really don't hate. you just don't LIKE them. we use the word all too often without knowing the meaning or what it does to most people. Its so powerful and very concerning and it has an impact on anyone and everyone it touches. So can you hate someone just for nothing? And are you able to hate just because? No. Simple fact of life. in order to hate you must love and the reason you hate is to cover any emotion or feeling that you wish not to feel such as sadness or loneliness or even just dislike. but the point is you cannot hate something or someone without the power of having loving them, or it first. So hate, absolutely nothing and yet hurts the worse. The classic phrase we hear a lot are "haters". well why are they classified as such? because they do indeed hate? or because we can't see anything past the way they treat, act or behave? I would think the latter, and i would be right. They don't know hate because they do not understand love. and those who hate on others are honestly and truly jealous and that is all. they do not hate you or anything, they dislike the fact that they are not you and/or that they cannot be anything like what they want to be out of laziness, or disgust for themselves. so the next time you feel threatened by "haters" or feel someone hates you, hear it or see it, keep in mind what hate Really and truly is and in actuality know how pathetic the person using or acting out the word is. Some will tell you that hate is in fact an emotion, but it has never been proven and google is not the bible, its Internet. its also not college. Hate is a learned behavior or it is love turned to rage. Take your pick, but you know what? i could be wrong, and i am completely okay with that. At least i have an understanding of both Love and Hate and use only one of those words without and use for the other.

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