Saturday, October 09, 2010

Heart Break

Lets be honest here. There isn't one person on this earth that hasn't felt this in one way or another. Whether from family, death, friends, breakups, its inevitable and nothing we can do about it. But don't we always wonder why it has to hurt so damn much! Than we try next time to build ourselves up so we make sure it doesn't happen again. But did that ever work for you? i know it didn't work for me. Every time it feels like it was the first time, or worse. Does it mean something more than the other, i really don't know but what i think is that the pain it causes is a reaction within us that we never knew was there. For example you lost a family member, of course no breakup will compare to that but at the time it feels like its damn close. But what about a breakup you thought you would never get over, but of course you did and later on you become part of another relationship. This breakup is far worse than the first one or maybe the other three you had. why? Like i said earlier we grow and time keeps going. sometimes we forget that. so every day we grow older wiser and more aware. Love grows in us everyday stronger than the last. Wouldn't it make sense that you give that person everything you got when you love? and now every time it would be different because we change and grow everyday. so it gets worse, or maybe it gets easier and we just don't realize it so with that the pain gets worse. we think were to old to feel, we think were prepared from the last time, and what about what we tried to block out, those walls we thought we put up... So now wouldn't it hurt more when all this rolls through your head while knowing a relationship is at its end? So technically we punish ourselves harder each time because we always blame ourselves even when we tell ourselves were blaming the other person(s). So knowing this is it going to be easier the next time? No its going to be worse and that's the truth because we know the whys, yet we never cut ourselves slack. This time though you will be prepared to hurt and not be delusionized by being made of steel.. It's just not possible when you have a heart and emotions. Let life happen, let fate work let God decide, let love have its way. Sometimes its not meant to be. don't curse i,t bless it because how are you to find the right man if your stuck with the wrong one? How is your family to move on if your stuck with grief only and no acceptance, and for all other matters.. Everything has purpose. Let whatever situation it is have its purpose and meaning and heal while learning from it. "Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional."

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