Saturday, October 09, 2010

Reality vs. Fantasy

(featuring running...) You ever been through a time where you feel as though you couldn't take anymore and the best solution you can come up with is to run? Running is not whats its just made to sound like. There are so many versions its scary.For example running can be turning to drugs or alcohol, moving away from where you are, it can even be turning your head and living in a fantasy. fantasy being you see and hear things the way you want to and not the way they are meant. You turn the logic off and you take yourself away from things. Kind of like a light switch. you turn yours off so that you live in a dream like state just moving from day to day and doing what you need to but emotions and reactions are put away and you are basically numb. Some say its a natural response, i call it and name it fear. Your running away from something you need to face and isn't that the same definition of fear?.. And whats the best solution for fear but to face it head on. running, well its like the saying, "you can run but you cannot hide." it always catches up with you, but in this instance it builds in its process.. Its not healthy nor is it a solution, but if you feel its a survival method to get you through, than you do what you have to but always know there are solutions, answers and help out there. you don't have to run in order to survive, even its how you strongly feel when you get at that point.

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