Friday, October 15, 2010

Religion and Politics.

Noone should ever have to question what they think let alone what they believe. Religion and Politics. One of the sacred rules that a lot of us have heard or know is that you speak of neither unless its personal and asked of, or your in a debate. Has anyone questioned the why as to the sensitivity of the material and how it shouldn't be spoken of? i have. i also have asked others and gotten many opinions on the topics at hand. I will say that everyone justifies an excellent point and their were only one group that believed everyone else was wrong and that even their beliefs were wrong and believe it or not it wasn't atheists.. We don't speak of religion because it is a sensitive topic that a lot of people will never understand that others have the right to believe what they want to believe. That people should never be pushed to believe something they do not or challenged on their own beliefs. i am with them on this. What i believe is my business and i do not push it on to anyone else nor do i shout it out in ever open possibility. once in a while i will say certain things, but never in a way that you should believe my way. I've had other try to push me one way or another and nothing and nobody will be able to budge me. I'm nothing something to be sold upon. i believe what i believe because i choose to for reasons i myself have chosen. Politics is not much different. What one chooses should not be any business as to what another chooses. No one is right or wrong. there is no such thing. there have been to many battles on this subject because people always think that their way is the right way. well whats not to say the others way is the right way. there is nothing so to make a valid point both can be wrong. after all if you have a right, there is a wrong. My point is that beliefs are something that people choose because of different reasons. no one should challenge, question or change that. that in my opinion would be wrong. i know where i stand on both subjects but i keep to myself or in friendly manners when brought in on something with the subject will give and opinion and reason behind that opinion. and that to me is how it should be. because everything is based on opinions as there are No facts on either matter and everything comes from experience. There is one religion i have a problem with because it seems those that believe in it seem to question themselves to often, others to much and try to push anyone with ears or eyes onto the same path. There is no middle road with it, and they all are very dominating with it. I question it because why should it be that way? and it makes those people very angry most of the time, I've seen it studied it. They don't really understand what they are believing and resort to the material in which they are sworn on believing. and even than I've seen it stretched. another thing that bothers me on it is that one can be "re-born" or has to be re born in order to become part of that religion if converting from another. to me not only is that too much bullshit, but its almost like a scam. I have had this brought up to me many times and i have heard every excuse as to why i should believe that way or be this way and why all my beliefs are wrong. That alone, is enough for me to know, yeah something is wrong, but not what i believe, not who i am, so what else would be left..

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