Wednesday, October 20, 2010


1. Is your child, teen a bully? Are they a victim?
2. You see it, STOP IT. (if your out and you hear words thrown around and/or someone being pushed around STOP IT.)
3. Don't judge others, EVER. You have no right nor are you better than anyone. Were all equal and those choices we make are none of anyone's concern. So mind your business and if you got nothing nice to say.. DON'T SAY ANYTHING.
4. Your friends reflect who you are, so if you are friends with bullies or even just one, you are considered a bully for just standing there and doing nothing. You can make a difference, you choose not to. your no better than the bully. Remember to stay around positive because it reflects off you.
5. If you hear about someone being bullied SPEAK OUT, SPEAK UP. Don't let them be alone. Report it anonymously if you want to be unknown be REPORT IT!
6. If you are a victim don't take it. you don't have to and know your NEVER alone. never will be and there are so many going through the same thing. speak up, don't let it get to you if you can and Please ask for help. No person has the right to be a bully let alone judge you.
7. No one knows you. Your best friend doesn't even know you. YOU know you though. you wake up and go to sleep with yourself. Tha'ts what matters because you live with yourself. Everyone is gifted, loved and special. EVERYONE no matter the b.s. out there.
8. Jealousy, Hatred, Fear (acceptance): are the three motivations for bullying. Remember that. So if your a bully think about that and if your a victim now you know.
9. Do Not Turn Your Head to it. It makes you ignorant.
10. NEVER consider your life not worth living. you will never know the best you can be if you don't try and everyone deserves a full life.
1 of every 10 people born is gay. That means 1 of every 10 people is instantly put down, given bad labels, left alone, put in minority, and so much more, just because of who they are. Many gay teens are turning to suicide as a way of escaping.Please do NOT let this be you. Don't Judge, Don't give up and don't fear. Your NOT alone.

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